Due to the increasing on-line availability of various biomedical data sources, the ability to federate heterogeneous and distributed data sources becomes critical to support multi-centric studies and translational research in medicine. The CrEDIBLE project organises 3 thematic working days in October 2-4 in Sophia Antipolis (near to Nice, France) where experts are invited to present their latest work and discuss their approaches. The aim is to gather scientists from all disciplines involved in the set up of distributed and heterogeneous medical data sharing systems (medical data representation, data mediation, data stores federation, data semantics, workflows, … towards biomedical data integration), to provide an overview of this broad and complex area, to assess the state-of-the-art methods and technologies addressing it, and to discuss the open scientific questions it raises.
The methods for biomedical data distribution considered in the context of CrEDIBLE are:
A previous issue of this workshop was organised on October 2012.
The idea of this workshop it to have groups of ~30 minutes presentations within a given theme/session followed by a time slot for a panel discussion to share the presenters experience on selected scientific questions and challenges. Talks should keep a balance between introducing the field (appropriate for a broad audience of scientists involved in all the areas covered by CrEDIBLE) and technical details (appropriate for expert scientists).
Session goal: To report on concrete experience in developing systems gathering or indexing data to be shared and reused in research projects. User requirements, current technology limitations and future expectations.
Scientific questions:
Session goal: To discuss ontologies modeling observations and measurements data (designed to facilitate the sharing and reuse of scientific data)
Scientific questions:
Context: heterogeneous data stores, within the same or related domains (e.g. biology, medical images, clinical records…), sensitive.
Scientific questions:
Context: non-partitioned data stores, no prior knowledge on stores content, common RDF representation, common reference ontology.
Scientific questions:
Scientific questions:
from 14:30 to 18:15
19:30, Diner at Hotel Omega
from 9:00 to 12:45
from 14:00 to 16:00
from 16:15 to 18:45
from 9:00 to 12:00
The workshop will be held in the conference room, located at the ground floor of the I3S laboratory, in Sophia Antipolis, France. The I3S laboratory address is: Building “Algorithms B”, 2000 route des Lucioles, BP 121, 06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, FRANCE
Also see the interactive map.
A list of nearby hotels (all within 10 minutes walking distance) is located on this map: